My name is Belinda and I live in Newcastle, Australia.
For as long as I can remember, I dreamed of becoming a mother and having my own child.
Nothing about my journey to motherhood is ‘typical’. But I see value in sharing my story because everything I have been through has made me stronger than I ever thought possible. And I truly believe that in sharing our stories we can help others.
In 2012 I became a step-mother to the most beautiful little girl. But I’d always dreamed of having my own child. After battling health issues, falling pregnant in 2016 was my most precious dream come true.

My baby stopped thriving
Due to complications, my baby boy was stillborn at 26 weeks (410g) via a natural birth.
I felt like I failed him. My miracle boy – who I tried so hard for – there was nothing I could do to save him.
The day I gave birth to my first son was the most beautiful and the saddest day of my life. I got to nurse and cuddle him. I kissed his little hands and forehead. He was perfect in every way, just too small to survive in this world. My most precious possessions are the photos I have of him on his first and only day on earth.
My Rainbow Baby
A rainbow baby is a name coined for a healthy baby born after losing a baby due to miscarriage, infant loss, stillbirth, or neonatal death. The name “rainbow baby” comes from the idea of a rainbow appearing in the sky after a storm, or after a dark and turbulent time.
After a few years of complex health challenges and seeing specialists I fell pregnant again. And at 26 weeks it seemed like our nightmare was coming true again. I didn’t know how we would survive another loss. After spending a lot of time in hospital I gave birth to our Rainbow Baby at 29 weeks, weighing a tiny 920g. Born with respiratory distress, he was immediately put on CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure), with tubes and chords going everywhere in his humidicrib. He remained in NICU for 66 days (the longest days of my life).
There were so many ups and downs throughout this time. After already experiencing a loss this was such an anxious time, and until the day my baby was discharged from hospital I really did not know if I would be bringing home a baby at all. But he is thriving now and I have learnt to take one day at a time. I cherish every second I get to hold him in my arms, and I am completely and utterly in love.
As well as an Angel Mum and a Rainbow Mum I am a Pregnancy Loss & Trauma Informed Practitioner, and I am dedicated to supporting women who are Parenting After Loss. I want other women who are on a similar journey to know that they are not alone.

Bella You: Supporting you navigate Motherhood After Loss in a nurturing and safe environment
I am a Pregnancy Loss & Trauma Informed Practitioner, Coach and Mentor. I would love to support you on your journey..
Official qualifications
- Certified Pregnancy Loss & Trauma Informed Practitioner – Institute of Healing Through Pregnancy Loss
- Certified Life Coach – Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy
- Certified Heal Your Life Workshop Leader
- Certified Heal Your Life Coach
- Bachelor of Social Science – University of Newcastle
I am a Pregnancy Loss & Trauma Informed Practitioner, Coach and Mentor. I support women to navigate Motherhood After Loss in a nurturing and safe environment.